Surgical Text
ILLIUM—Set of oblong ears. One architect denotes these structures as, “suspended rooftops.” But I believe that they are porcelain plates. Where the tendons of the leg are a table. Wall::floor. Something to be covered / shielded. What can you hear? dreamdscape: a series of interconnected rooms. From a distance, it appears as if the surface is flat, but in actuality it is covered in microscopic grooves. Corridors without ceiling or discernable pattern. What is your trajectory? dreamdscape: the ears fold in on themselves and touch. I only hear myself. Walking the corridors. Taking note of irregularities in the bone. Cracks and micro-fractures. The root of / onset of calcium deposits. This will make the bone stronger. Later excavations will reveal the potential of previous collisions. Of meteorites or vacuous debris.
SCAR - RIGHT HAND - BACK—Inevitable injuries occur during the excavation of certain sites. The mysteries of the text are further mapped. Researchers take first incision upon the gutter. What lies at the center of every book? Reckless behavior leads to (1) the destruction of the interior spine. The threaded vertebrae are macerated and left without evidence. And (2) the hand is rendered cavernous. The posterior face is dissected / gifted with entrenchments. Carpals surface through the blood and miscellaneous pink-stuff. Spines are made to be severed. dreamdscape: the opening of the hand reveals previously unknown / unexplored structures. The carpals arrange the exterior of a palace. With enigmatic architecture—unrecognized inspirations. The aesthetic regime is characterized by its posture. Upright-ness. The palace is again hidden when the entrenchment is sealed shut.
INGROWN TOE - RIGHT FOOT—The autonomy of the foot—the independent movement of each branch [interior: metatarsals, phalanges]—allows for vast asymmetry in efficiency and configuration. Invasive proteins, primarily keratin, begin burrowing into the flesh of the large toe. The slow formation of a parasitic wall. Topology of a phantom limb. dreamdscape: the ingrown toe interrupts previously conceived construction projects. Architectural styles fuse together into a collaged assemblage. Its parts derived from starkly contrasting points of origin. These pillars are ionic. 200 feet away, on the Southern facade, they are doric. dreamdscape: keratin is a sentient biotic—a primordial symbiote (ex: organelle). It antagonizes the nervous system and prods the soft tissue of its prey. The pain threshold expands and the flesh splits. Beneath is a series of wires. Each transporting viscous fluids. The broken housing leaks fuel onto the exterior plane.
SUTURED ULNA—Restorative efforts render the mechanism temporarily non-functional. Scaffolding immobilizes connected joints and the muscle is given time to rest / deteriorate. The damage has occurred due to an impact (unknown origin). Catalyzing the unsewing of the bone and the generation of new structural proteins. There will be a suturing between interior objects. dreamdscape: someone says something about hive-minded layouts and apiary orientation. But the conversation quickly dies off. It is seemingly not applicable to the circumstances at hand. The restorative process is slow and tedious. Details must be documented and archived. It cannot be done haphazardly. One architect brings up the idea of using this opportunity to implement new techniques. High impact collision and disintegration. dreamdscape: tape-static hums under the awnings of the scaffold echochamber. It fluctuates, seemingly in search of an unjammed signal.
SUTURED RADIUS—But the body is organized first into couplets. The ulna hugs the radius. When one is broken, the other has likely sustained some level of damage as well. In the circumstances of high impact collision and disintegration, both shatter. The tubular structure expands—becoming two smaller, bulkier structures. Restorative efforts are not initiated. Often restoration is an attempt to undo temporality. To take what is present and return it to the past—to render it a facsimile, a monument of nostalgia. We embrace the monolith of the teleological. dreamdscape: the bone-matter is a thick wall. The marrow is a gelatinous medium. It is made to be navigated (swam through). It’s sibling structure inches backwards in time. But it does not do the same. Instead engendering the slow crawl towards an unknown finality.
CANINE ANOMALY—Borgesian structures might be categorized as a kind of infinite textile of procedurally generated interiors. The library of babel—hexagonal rooms connected vertically and horizontally. Here, the mouth is arranged as a row of short compounds. Ranging from bright white to pale yellows. Certain materials have begun rotting from the inside out, translucent in the light. Sensitive to changes in climate. Others have become subject to new design, gaining unexpected or unintended entrances. A field of anuses. A pack of wolves. dreamdscape: some force (which could be construed as malicious) attempts to convert each compound into a root-structure. With enigmatically organized pathways and no nodal point. No central room from which these routes can be traced back to. They instead appear as external pressure. The evidence of previous spelunking. Babbling wind vane. Two housings on the upper ridge appear smaller than the neighboring—fully matured—compounds. Pyramidal altars. dreamdscape: the wind circumnavigates the softened exterior. The walls wear and the pyramid becomes a cone. The cone sharpens and sinks into the flesh of the gums. It creates new sources of fluid and air. New entrances by which we access the coveted interior.
SCAR - LEFT BROW—The integumentary system is subject to a cycle of constant recycling. Materials are constructed, disturbed, and redistributed. The autonomous zones of the cranial anterior. Above the optic slits, there is evidence of previous iterations. The glabella is a cliff-face. The scar is a cavern. dreamdscape: generations of symbiotes have witnessed the changes in this surface. Silhouettes operating in bug time. This place is a desert. It is a landscape of procedurally generated dunes. Determined by some discrete algorithm. The post-cavernous surface is dark and cross-stitched. Its texture differs from the surrounding mass. When the integumentary undergoes its next recycling, the cross-stitch inverts. One set aligns with the grain of the flesh. The other runs perpendicular. Down the face and neck. dreamdscape: optic nerve vibrates under the weight of the brow. Thudding drum. Chanting rhino-programed echo.
INTERCOSTAL—Twenty-four interconnected hallways. They spawn from one central corridor and are insulated by fibrous material. Sudden changes in the breathing pattern create tension and soreness. They is a fragile thing. dreamdscape: the hallways each lead to identical rooms containing white drywall and pink tile floors. The furniture is sparse and asymmetrical, often only a couch or a chair. In more decadent settings, a wooden coffee table. Their placement appears deliberate but the logic is difficult to decipher. I am an algorithmic body. dreamdscape: the potential arises for twenty-four more hallways and twenty-four more rooms. What is constructed is constructed in set-amounts. Another ribcage can spawn, but with the condition that it spawn in its entirety. The intercostals—the insulation—holding it in place. Allowing it to flex without self-destruction or the slow process of deterioration setting before its time.
Mike Corrao is the author of two novels, MAN, OH MAN (Orson's Publishing) and GUT TEXT (11:11 Press); one book of poetry, TWO NOVELS (Orson's Publishing); two plays, SMUT-MAKER (Inside the Castle) and ANDROMEDUSA (Forthcoming - Plays Inverse); and two chapbooks, AVIAN FUNERAL MARCH (Self-Fuck) and SPELUNKER (Schism - Neuronics). Along with earning multiple Best of the Net nominations, Mike’s work has been featured in publications such as 3:AM, Collagist, Always Crashing, and The Portland Review. He lives in Minneapolis.
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