There is a peepshow
at the center
of every grapefruit
and I’ll take that comfort
on nights like these
I pour the sugar
to loosen me
I’d let a spider inside,
I’d prickle
and beat the stars flat
to be reborn
as the water in a cactus
to be boiled uncovered
The physics of aliveness
are unempirical
The motions of belonging
(sucking sound)
My forked tongue
in a lilac dark
It(s) part(s) scintillate
when spoken
There are so many synonyms
for words, I could cry
and any of them could mean
sock static
woman’s needs
a lone armadillo
crossing a road
Other Works
2 Poems
by McLeod Logue
... I am a girl // with unmade bread, unkempt hair, and a distrust for children ...
Becoming a troll
by Selena Cotte
... I woke up one day and found myself transformed into a troll ...