Canto Gorgo (Medusa's Psalm)
Let the bow lie unstrung on the arming table.
Let man flee my presence for his shame.
Let people have their small gods
and small goddesses,
their fires in their vessels of bronze.
Let my sisters render my vengeance
and let them have their grief.
Let them crush the palaces of kings,
and tread the houses of these thieves
under the soles of their bare feet.
Let all that remains of us
be monument
and song.
Steve Passey is the author of the collection Forty-Five Minutes of Unstoppable Rock (Tortoise Books) and the novella Starseed (Seventh Terrace) and a great many other things found here or there. He has been a Best of the Net Nominee and is a multiple Pushcart Nominee. He lives in Southern Alberta. Tweet to him @SuperHeavy666
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