The Majority of Diners Continue Eating
Try balancing on one leg while peeing in the urinal
of a restaurant restroom when no one is watching
then return to a table to try out a new exercise:
list the first five words that capture that scenario
and ignore the waiter’s ass and the fit of his pants,
his handheld pot of coffee, quite possibly a weapon.
Choose to read closed captions on the closest TV set,
one of a dozen flat screens suspended over diners,
a funhouse hall of mirrors set free upon explosion,
a pack of playing cards emptied for 52 pickup—
where they landed, we now eat beneath them.
A news broadcast announces a breaking story,
a school shooting in a state that starts with an M,
you sigh before chewing a piece of buttered bread.
What words can be recycled, cut free from a menu?
Stick a fork in your thigh and call it an issue.
Smile at the smoker coughing outside the window.
A stranger seated nearby tells herself she’s crying,
like Siri joined mankind, then ate a handful of Valium.
Other Works
by Callum Blake
... at the centre of all things a great fire is burning ...
The Runner
by Nicholas C. Moore Jr.
... As he rose, his legs trembled beneath him. A trickle of red was coming from a canyon in his knee. ...