2 Poems
contracts pt i
Begin by saying
I will write a contract
and in so writing
I will leave nothing out.
In cases where (in failing
to write this contract)
this contract non-encloses
all non-contract writing:
I will admonish
my non-enclosed writing
and pay penalties no less than
nor even exceeding
all future writing
leaving nothing out.
All non-enclosed writing
is seen as exhibiting
one or more basic deficiencies
reprinted as follows:
Non-enclosed writing
- lacks clear penalty;
- is non-compliant with standards;
- misunderstands tort.
As this is a contract
it is non-enclosed writing
and its compliance with standards
is not properly secured;
however stipulating
only non-contract writing
need be enclosed by this contract
mitigates tort.
In cases where you would like to press
allegations of improper writing
against this signed contract
you can contact my publisher
who will forward all claims.
My legal team
if I even might merit
will follow received
contacts and summons
to the very letter
and remit penalties.
I apologise for the failure
of this letdown contract;
that remark was unbecoming
and I strike it, thence.
I am getting grubby
little hands on your contract
and breathing on its windows
leaving smeary vapour sheens.
Put me in your envelope
and give me the postmark
and we will see just what the office
might make of me.
I am no contract
I am mammalian
which means ears and mammaries
and there are other stipulations
I fail to meet those
so I’m in the envelope
to provide your receipts
Meet me at the window
sift me from the pile
check my seal is sticky
and assess your receipts
I am a bad mammal
writing like a mammal
Deliver it from me

i keep mixing up
pre- , prep- , prop- positions!
before i start to posit
i hunker down and whisper
‘This is where my house is
and Here I keep my Concepts.’
‘Here I Keep My Concepts
in This-Organized Hall Closet.’
that ’s how i start my sentence! now
this is a list of words that are not the feeling i was looking. for,
are in my-book not-even words!
this is where in enters
a simple demonstration:
when i make a gesture (this being a gesture)
i’ve never gestured At
nor Towards nor even To
cuz i’ve only ever gestured!
now do you get it
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