The rain checks of May give way
to harsher things. I sleep to the sounds
of waves hitting the coast despite the fact
that there are no rocks here, and no
waves, and no coast. I count every second
with a half-shekel and stuff my hands
into empty pockets. I wait for something more.
The far woods creep in; so do the demons
with chicken feet; so does the voice of heaven
going, “And what are you waiting for?”
Every fox I see, I laugh, but it does
no good. Every fox I see stands on
ruin. And what am I waiting for? At some point
the sun stops feeling warm, and just feels
like sun. I can’t find it in me
to worry about my hair. The crickets and cicadas
and June bugs sleep under my bed,
and I invite them to cuddle with me. I’ve
imagined throwing myself from rooftops
but there are none from which to be thrown. I’ve wondered
how it would feel to burn my hands
and discovered it is a sharper pain than I would have
thought. I remember the mornings I dragged myself
from bed, crawling head-down to meet
the sun outside, and the first time I realized
I didn’t have to. Every excuse I’ve made
for leaving rotting food out, and every way
I’ve disappeared. It started long ago, this fuzziness
in my head. I could have seen it coming
but I wanted it to come.
Other Works
The Mayor of Fells Point
by Peter Geier
... My mainstay was an IBM Selectric typewriter ...
The Water Collectors
by Tomoé Hill
... Remember the different seas which sit on opposing sides of the rocky hills ...