Jim’s Death
For Christopher Isherwood
if I sit here and cry let me be
it is needed for the soul can carry
only so much before it breaks the shelving
it has been stacked upon and falls shattering
upon the ground the way the tears shed
by history fill the oceans to the brink of collapse
because it is natural to feel as if a small part
of life is over forever lost that there is
nothing more one can do than mourn
bring in all the books I read as a child
and pile them up high so that I may
feel the years collect around me like water
spilling in flowing crystal clear and promising
a return to the cleanliness to the purity
I always wanted but was always unable to gain
I will lap at it as though it is a rich wine
and recount the tales of the times I adored
gulping until I drown amongst the paper harvest
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