2 Poems
Justin Bieber, as Dalmatian
Are you skittish? Are you too big
for your own good?
Too pretty?
I know people want to wear your skin
and make you into a coat
Not me
That would be creepy
I know your spots change color with the solar
wind, that your hips are bear traps
and your ears filled with songbirds
I can’t imagine you as housedog
you belong outside
grinning in the summer rain

Justin Bieber, as Angel of Vengeance and Atonement
What color is your hair
beneath your designer cowl?
Your hand freezes
my elbow when you guide me with
your gold-covered fingers
frosted with icicles
You lead me through caverns slicked with underground rain
and you hum a few bars
Want to hear my new track, you ask
I say yes, obviously
and the music echoes
it’s a tight beat
the hook is big and sexy
like it always is
Thanks for beliebing
you say
Now let’s get going
because everyone you miss is here
and everyone you don’t miss too
But, but but, I say
I don’t have the heart to tell you
I’m only a casual fan
So I lock my words behind a wall of silence
You say, Don’t worry
you’ll be warm. It’s quiet here.
It’ll be like your mother’s embrace
and we have all the cable channels
and all my songs available
to stream
Other Works
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... I took little Larch in my arms and carried him out of our apartment ...