2 Poems
Satellite, Unblinking
Watch me, I can disappear
as a moon through your bedroom door,
as flickering features
in half-light super-8
against the wall,
paper we peeled and left to lie,
plaster all moonlike and crushed
through your bedroom window,
I hung from the tree there, once,
legs round a branch and blood
pulled to forehead, and you
called me names until the moon
blinked again, watch me
as I light a crater
and sleep into the sky.

Tower, My Beautiful Child
Purple flaming cloth blistering skin under plastic
wrap, ink, evaporate into flared nostrils,
bloodstream, turn black and flow a dead
sea, salt sear scarred flesh, my knees melt
into the floor where the guests
dance and lie and writhe and drink
of my essence so I become the body of us, and we tower
over humanity’s creations, a slow concrete beast
crawling down the main street, a trail of civilizations
left behind, pottery smashed, yeast sleeping in ancient clay,
waiting for the clouds, we drink of the collective
broth bubbling among our followers, hands raised
to the sky which is me which is we
and we cast our dice into the crowds,
screams rise us above the clouds,
screams below rise screams into floods,
the Earth is rotten, your body is rotten,
we will be your salvation, can you feel us building in
your throat, unhinge your jaw and spew us onto
the brown carpet, it will hide the stains,
your hair will be thick with the smell of our black ink
and blistered skin, hide it under plastic wrap, your pain is
clouded, feel us no longer in you, feel your cords now in us and
crawl down the main street with us,
cast your dice with us,
tower over humanity with us
my beautiful child.
Sy is a queer non-binary poet living in Edinburgh, Scotland. They write through the haze of cat-/child-induced sleep deprivation to try and make sense of gender, relationships, and ADHD. Their work has been published in Popshot Quarterly, Capsule Stories, and ZARF Poetry, among others. You can find them on Twitter @TartanLlama and their publications at https://sybrand.ink
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